Rc Car .12 & .21 Nitro Engine Parts


Race engines are designed to run at high RPM's, so parts do wear and do need to be changed and looked over time when racing.. Con-Rod are the #1 race part that should be changed at least by every two gallons at most. Wrist pin, c clip also should be changed when changing the rod. Always use after run oil after racing. This helps keep rust and bearing running free. Nitro and the oils used in fuels can cause rust,corrosion and the oil can cause built up of thick residue that will cause the engine to be less free when starting.

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Browse through .21 and .12 nitro motor parts including crank shafts, piston, piston rods, sleeves and more! Acorn Racing USA carries a variety of Nitro engine crank shafts, piston, piston rods, piston clips, piston pins, rebuild kits and sleeves  for .12 and .21 Nova Rossi, Pico, Reds, Murrnan Modified and RB Nitro motors.

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